Since its inception in 1998, Maxim Mechatronics Limited has been at the forefront of Electronic Weighing technologies in the Indian market. Driven by technology and innovation, we had successfully provided easy and precise solutions for every weighing requirement. With the industrial experience of 18 years, we continue to offer the most innovative, reliable electronic weighing instruments ensuring full customer satisfaction. Leveraging our experience and expertise to provide revolutionary products, we have engaged ourselves in the manufacturing and export of high performance weighing systems. We incorporated in the United States as Maxim Mechatronics Corporation in 2014.


Maxim Mechatronics is a leading manufacturer, supplier and service provider of an impressive range of Electronic Weighing Equipments. Our products include Electronic Weighbridges, InMotion Rail WeighBridge, Mobile Weighbridges, Truck Scales, Railway Scales,Table Top Scale, Bench Scales, Jewellery Scale, Hanging Scales, Crane Scale, Lab Analytical Balances, Industrial Scales, Platform Scales, Milk Weighing Scales, Movable Axle Weighers, Weigh Pads, Weighing Automation and other allied weighing accessories etc. Today, we are one of the leading and fastest growing enterprises manufacturing automatic weighbridges with varying capacities of tonnage. From the very beginning our aim has been to fabricate premium quality weighbridges which are effective, accurate and dependable.


We work constantly in research and development for improvement in our Products and customer delivery services. Starting from a modest beginning to a scintillating streak of success Company has now come a long way in its journey of evolution as a Pioneer of Weighing Technology.


Our offered products are highly acknowledged in the market for dimensional accuracy, high functionality, easy operation, longer service life, robust construction, rigid design, low power consumption and minimal maintenance. Known for above mentioned features, our products cater to the requirements of different Industries.

Our Products

Weigh bridge

Track Type Portable Weighbridge

Track Type Portable Weighbridges find application in Mining, quarrying construction and recycling industry. Portable weighbridges don’t require foundation per se. Only a smooth surface is required on which load cell plates rest. Non erection of civil foundation saves time and money. A standard weighbridge foundation erection and  installation takes about 60-90 days whereas the Portable weighbridge can be installed in 2-3 hours. The ease of shifting of Portable weighbridge is another advantage. The modular design helps in easy cost-effective transportation and re-installation at a new location.

Track Type Portable Weighbridge is comparatively lighter and easier to shift and ship. It is a low height modular fabricated steel structures with steel access ramps. The top deck plate is provided with antiskid strips and there is a bottom steel frame. Loadcells are installed in between the top and bottom frame. This bottom frame substitutes the civil foundation. The bottom frame needs a smooth hard surface to rest.

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Portable Weigh bridge

Foundationless Mobile Portable Weighbridge

Foundationless Mobile Portable Weighbridges find application in mining, quarrying construction, and recycling industries. Mobile weighbridges do not require a foundation per set, only a smooth surface is required on which load cell plates rest which saves time. A standard weighbridge foundation erection and installation takes about 60-90 days whereas mobile weighbridges can be installed in 2-3 hours. The ease of shifting mobile weighbridges is another advantage. The modular design helps in easy cost-effective transportation and re-installation.

Mobile Portable Weighbridge is a low-height modular fabricated steel structure with steel access ramps. The top deck plate is provided with antiskid strips and there is a bottom steel frame. Loadcells are installed in between the top and bottom frames. This bottom frame substitutes the civil foundation. The bottom frame needs a smooth hard surface to rest.

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Human Dead Body Scale

Human Dead Body Scale

Electronic weighing scale for measuring the weight of Human cadavers.

A low profile, four load cell electronic weighing scale for measuring the weight of human cadavers (dead bodies).

It is suitable for installation in hospital mortuaries, clinics, social organizations, cremation & funeral device and forensic department.

Maxim 300MPD3L dead body weighing scale has a capacity of 300kg, a stainless steel
platform of 1800mm x 750mm size and is provided with an indicator with in-built printer.

It is deigned to with stand tough environment of mortuaries and forensic departments.

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Static Rail Weighing System

We are manufacturer and supplier of Static Rail Weighbridge that are purpose built to weigh rail locomotives and rail wagons. Static Rail WeighBridges are designed to perform as per the industry needs and are adaptable to the harsh working environment.

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weigh bridge

In Motion Rail Weighing System

Rail Weighbridge is a weighing instrument used for weighing loaded rail wagons. It is designed to record the weight of all wagons individually and collectively excluding the weights of engine and supportive wagons. The weighing may be done in motion or in static position. This weighbridge is widely demanded for their quality features like high strength, accurate measurements and long life. The offered product is designed and manufactured by our experts using exceptional quality components in compliance with the set industry norms. Our In Motion Rail Weighing System is available in customized mode to meet the exact demands of our clients.

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Road Weighbridge

An Electronic Road WeighBridge is a large weighing system which can weigh road vehicles and their contents or is simply the Truck Scale. A Road WeighBridge can be Surface Mounted (Pit-less) with a ramp leading up a short distance and the weighing equipment underneath or it can be Pit Mounted with the weighing equipment and platform in a pit so that the weighing surface is in level with the road. They are invariably built from Steel or sometimes from concrete and by nature are extremely robust.

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Milk Weighing Scale

Being an esteemed name in the industry, we are able to serve our clients with an extensive range of Milk Weighing Scale in different customized specifications. These Milk Weighing Scales precision engineered to offer accurate measurement of milk in different quantities. Our Milk Weighing Scale is made available by us at market leading prices.

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Heavy Duty Platform Scales

The Weighing Scale machines after the very powerful man Hercules.As the machine can bear tremendous heavy weight easily.These Hercules are widely used to weigh heavy weights in different fields. Being a client-centric organization, we are engaged in offering a wide array of Heavy Duty Platform Scales. These scales are highly demanded for the purpose of scaling different types of material. Our skilled professionals manufacture these scales, from high quality raw material, using the latest technologies. In ahead of their final dispatch, our offered scales are thoroughly checked by our quality analyzers against varied quality parameters.

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Our Clients



P.D Agrawal – M.D (P.D Agrawal Infrastructure Ltd)

This is to certify that we have installed four Electronic WeighBridges of 80MT capacity with platform size of 16X3mm , two each at Hoshiarpur-Tanda , Moga-Kotkapura Toll Plazas. The Weighbridges have been fabricated and integrated by Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited using Load Cells and Electronics. The weighbridges have excellent performance
This is to certify that we have installed four Electronic WeighBridges of 80MT capacity with platform size of 16X3mm , two each at Hoshiarpur-Tanda , Moga-Kotkapura Toll Plazas

Nectar LifeSciences Ltd

This is to certify that the weighbridge fabricated by Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited using Load Cells having a capacity of 60 MT and platform size 16mX3m has been installed and commissioned at our works . The performance of weighbridge is excellent.
This is to certify that the weighbridge fabricated by Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited using Load Cells having a capacity of 60 MT and platform size 16mX3m

Chief Executive Officer | Milk Union Ambala

This is to certify that the WeighBridges of 50MT capacity fabricated installed and commissioned by Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited is giving trouble free services and working satisfactorily.
This is to certify that the WeighBridges of 50MT capacity fabricated installed and commissioned by Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited is giving trouble free services and working satisfactorily.

Executive Engineer | HSDC YamunaNagar

It is to certify that Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited has supplied installed and commissioned fully electronic pitless weighbridge of 40MT capacity HSDC , YamunaNagar satisfactorily.
It is to certify that Maxim Mechatronics (P) Limited has supplied installed and commissioned fully electronic pitless weighbridge of 40MT capacity HSDC , YamunaNagar satisfactorily.

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